Start Your Blog Today Follow this Easy Guide

When I started blogging a few years ago, it was difficult to make sense of the information out there. I had to read so many posts and do hours of research to get this blog going. I spent money where I shouldn’t; and as someone with no coding experience whatsoever, I felt dumb when I couldn’t figure something out.

A lot of my friends have asked me to create a blog for them, and I have done so, but really it’s not so complicated.

Keep reading for the Easiest way to set up your dream blog today for only $2.49!

So where do you start? Simple: You need a website. Oh that sounds expensive- it’s not. Let me show you.

Set up your Website for free with WordPress

Cue in the best blogging platform- WordPress

A WordPress blog is super easy to set up and relatively inexpensive. You need to use a hosting service. Here’s the one I use- DreamHost. Click here to go there and grab your discounted rate

You can only get the discounted rate if you click my link through here, otherwise it will cost you more per month, so don't lose this opportunity. Here's the link again:

Click on the Get Started button to start.

Choose any hosting plan you want, but for a blog you only need the Shared Starter plan.

Sign up and add your information. Use one of their many FREE Templates to create your blog layout. There’s no code involved and it’s pretty easy to navigate. If you can type and work social media, you can totally launch a blog.

So stop waiting and start creating and sharing with your friends and family. WordPress blogs are easy to integrate with other platforms such as Shopify and Square.

What will you share with the world? 🙂

Whatever you decide to share, will enrich countless lives, as well as provide you with a sense of gratitude for sharing your writing gift. And if you have questions, feel free to message me at


Ana MC