Going Gluten-Free

Why Gluten-Free?

Today it makes 4 weeks since I went gluten-free. I have a few reasons for adjusting my diet:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms
  • Reduce stomach bloating and gas
  • Clearer skin
  • Going gluten-free is recommended for fibromyalgia sufferers to minimize flare ups

My recent fibromyalgia diagnosis also revealed I had overall inflammation in my body. I felt it too, around my cheeks, ankles and hands. I thought it was sodium, so I started by minimizing this first. It didn’t stop the swelling. So when one of my doctors recommended going gluten-free, I decided to give it a go.

Gluten-Free means not eating wheat or wheat products. I have bad news: Wheat is in almost everything from syrups, to vitamins, to makeup, and of course breads and pastries. The good news is that there are plenty of substitutes. The best way to know for sure if something is gluten-free is to do your research, buy gluten-free products, and read your labels.

4 Weeks of Gluten-Free Eating

My first stop in this gluten-free quest was Aldi’s. I recalled seeing a bunch of gluten-free products there. And let’s be honest, we are always on the go; as much as I want to eat fresh all the time, sometimes I need convenience foods. So do not let purists intimidate you or make you feel bad about getting some gluten-free snacks, cereals, or other products.

I also stocked up on naturally gluten free items:

  • Produce and fruits
  • Fish and chicken (meat also but I’m avoiding it)
  • Milk (I drink almond milk)
  • Cheese
  • Beans
  • Tofu
  • Eggs

During the first week I noticed the swelling around my ankles subsided. The cheeks and hands followed suit. Now, my skin has cleared up, especially on my upper arms- I always had keratosis pilaris, a rash type condition on my arms that persisted for years. Although doctors don’t know precisely what causes keratosis pilaris, gluten sensitive people are more prone to suffer it. It’s not particularly painful, more itchy than painful, but I will tell you my arms have cleared up almost entirely since going gluten-free.

Learn more about Keratosis Pilaris here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/keratosis-pilaris/symptoms-causes/syc-20351149

I realized at this point that perhaps doing an elimination diet would be beneficial for me. If I was sensitive to gluten, what else could be silently affecting me? Cue in the Pouch Reset diet from previous posts. The pouch reset was a detox process for certain. I also kept my options gluten-free during the reset.

Elimination Diet

The elimination diet is not for weaklings. A friend of mine just went through it, and we conversed and shared experiences. It’s tough and cold- turkey. I will create a post about it in the near future for those interested. In the meantime you can check out a version here: file:///D:/Downloads/handout_elimination_diet_patient.pdf

Other Things I Learned

Between the pouch reset and the gluten-free diet I learned a great deal about myself and my body. Today’s wheat is a hybrid seed (it’s a genetically modified organism-GMO) processed with lots of pesticides- the same pesticides in your Round Up sprayer. I wouldn’t want to spray Round Up on my food, and yet it is used in wheat cultivation, which then passes onto our food.

I recommend the documentary “What’s With Wheat?”. I watched it on Amazon (it’s free with Prime membership). Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VW7DFMM

I also learned I am sensitive to the following foods, and they exacerbate my IBS and bloating symptoms:

  • Milk (yogurt is fine)
  • Cabbage
  • Whey and Casein protein drinks
  • Boiled eggs- Although I can tolerate them just fine scrambled

Are you suffering with all or some of these symptoms? Do you believe you could benefit from eliminating gluten, dairy, etc from your diet? Will you?

I really love sharing my experiences with you all, and would love it if you signed up for future articles. Drop a comment below, or connect on Instagram @ana_vsg_miami

Until next time. Stay healthy friends!

Ana MC